Orto Botanico


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Address Viale Oberdan, 2
Phone +39 0 737 403 084
Orario Aperto dal lunedì al venerdì: mattino dalle ore 9.00 - alle ore 13.00 pomeriggio dalle ore 15.00 - alle ore 17.00 Informazioni e prenotazioni: Tel.+39 0 737 - 403 084
Property University of Camerino
Situation Mondays to Fridays: 08.00-13.00/15.00-17.00
Note Established in 1828 by Vincenzo Ottaviani (a pontifical physician), it is located around the Ducal Palace with the beautiful 15th-century portico ordered by Giulio Cesare Da Varano. Through a staircases with 106 steps (commissioned by Pope Pius V in 1568) visitors have access to the gardens which contain tall centuries-old trees, in particular exemplars belonging to the Acer gender. Another rich section is devoted to the ornamental species of the local flora and healing herbs.

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